
Thing - Digital security

July 1st, 2021 by Kris Category: All 23 Things, IT Proficiency, Life online, Skills for educators

I feel like I can’t really do anything online these days without being followed across the internet. I search blenders on one single occasion, and suddenly I’m being stalked by kitchen appliances across the internet…

While I’ve managed to make my accounts private (I hope), it surprised me how much Facebook and Google knew about me! I’m leaving a breadcrumb trail across the internet and didn’t even realise… Even to the point of Facebook creating profiles for people who aren’t on the platform, simply based off what other people post relating to them! Oh my…

Is this unavoidable? Is giving over all this data to Google and Facebook and the like the price that we have to pay for convenience and access? While things are certainly easier, I’m not sure how I feel.

I better be careful, I think. While I like getting recommendations on cool new places to shop based on what I’ve been buying, I think Google knowing exactly where I’ve been is maybe a bit too far. Imagine if someone hacked that! Ah… that certainly is a fright… what a conundrum…

post by Kris